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Careers in our Trades
Great Pay
Pension & Benefits
A Strong Future
7 Reasons to 'Work Union'
How the Union Finds Work for You
Our Ontario Locals
Our Maritime Locals

No matter where you live, this is where you can hook up with financially rewarding careers in structural, reinforcing or manufacturing (shop) ironwork, and related trades like welding.

On this site, by submitting just ONE information form, you can let 1 or more Ironworker Locals in Ontario and the Maritime provinces know about yourself, including your work experience and training.

If you want an apprenticeship in our trades, you can use the same form to let any (or all) of our listed Locals know of your desire to build your career with us.

Like so many other trades, ours are losing more and more people to retirement as 'Baby Boomers' put their tools aside and enjoy a well-deserved rest. We need to replace them. And in regions with high industrial and commercial growth, we often need new people to help us and our employers expand our market share.

Read on, then please tell us you're interested!

Home  |  Apply Now!  |  Careers in our Trades  |  Great Pay  |  Pension & Benefits  |  A Strong Future  |  7 Reasons to 'Work Union'  |  How the Union Finds Work for You
Our Ontario Locals  |  Our Maritime Locals  |